27. tra 2012.


Uspjeh je u vama, u svemu sto ste zeljeli..sve je sada, samo nastavite, ne odustajte! Vanjske okolnosti koje su vas blokirare otvorile su nove mogucnosti, otkrile vasu snagu da uspijete, da se suocite i pronadjete rjesenje, a jos je puta ispred vas, samo idite obogaceni iskustvom, znanjem, mudroscu, ljubavlju, vjerom i snagom!
 S ljubavlju za vas Gagga! ♥
Photo: ~ We cannot teach others truth, we can only awaken their own knowledge and Divine Wisdom that everyone holds within themselves. Trust in this inner knowingness, as it was placed there in the beginning for a reason. This gift was given to guide you along your beautiful journey. ~

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